Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Agency, Miracles & Morgan

So, this week was sickkkk!

I am not being transferred but Elder Christensen is.  I will let you know about my new companion next week! 
So, I literally have to leave so soon cause my comp has to pack and we have people to go visit.  So this is gonna be real brief. 
Friday, we had a really good zone meeting and we talked a lot about agency.  It really is a blessing to be able to choose for ourselves what we want to do in this life.  At the same time, we are accountable for the decisions we make. Make good choices!  Elder Tanner and I had to go pick up some missionaries and on the way we went through Chick-Fil-A drive through real quick and the lady gave me two little cows that say "Eat mor chikin."  I don't know why, but it's spelled really weird like that.  I may be a little off, but it is something like that.  Anyways, we took a funny pick with them as a belt buckle. Ill send a pic! 
Saturday, we had a miracle. Straight up!  So remember Morgan?  Well, he still had wanted to be baptized but we had some concerns that he was still not understanding the priesthood and why our church was different. (Meaning the best).  Hehe...jk, but seriously. So, we went over to talk with him Saturday morning but we knew we had to do something different cause he just wasn't grasping it!  He has had all of the lessons, so we were like well we don't wanna teach the whole Restoration lesson again so we started with "The Savior's Earthly Ministry" and went from there.  Before we even started he shared a scripture with us that he came across in the Bible.  1 Kings 3:10-14 or so and we talked about prayer and the importance of it and basically to not pray for things that we don't need.  Verse 11 says it best.  Check it out!  

So we talked to him foreverrr!!! Like two in a half hours, and we read a lot out of the New Testament and honestly, this is why Elder Christensen stayed.  I don't know if you remember me saying, "His work here isn't done." but I did.  It really wasn't because there is no way I could have done that without him.  We worked together to help Morgan understand things and it worked.  Straight up!  He knows the Bible really well, and I'm like, "Uuuuhhhhh!!!"  Hahah....jk.  But seriously, anyone that knows me knows that I have very little knowledge about the scriptures, especially the Bible.  I know a little though, and I have a strong testimony about this gospel and no one can take that from me.  That is something I will always keep with me.  Anyways, long story short, Morgan said that this all makes sense now.  He was like, "You guys just answered all my questions that I have had my entire life in 1 hour."  To which I responded, "Well, maybe two hours...."  Haha, I know.  I'm still obnoxious.  Don't worry.  I am well aware. 

So basically he started crying and we were all just like caught up in the spirit.  Straight up.  I was trying so hard to not cry, but I gave in.  I couldn't help it.  When I stated that I knew without a doubt that we were supposed to be there at that moment together, I just lost it.  I was crying like a little newborn!  Most of you know that I do not like crying.  I thoroughly dislike it, but sometimes you can't even stop it and this was one of those times.  I know that Elder Christensen and I stayed together for a reason and Morgan is why.  I really couldn't have done it without him.  I know where my weaknesses are, and he was there to help.  I will for sure keep you posted about what happens with him. He should be able to be baptized this month.  He actually said, "That is why we have so many churches. There are so many good people.  But in order for me to live in the Celestial Kingdom, I have to be baptized in this church."  He straight up said that and my jaw just dropped!!  That was seriously one of the best days ever!!!
Later that day we went to a baptism that some missionaries in our zone taught.  Guess who we saw? I don't know. Haha, I don't know her name, but we saw someone from the Youth Conference and she came up to us and was like "I have 3 pages of notes from when you guys came and talked to us!"  Cray cray.  That was really cool, though. 

One last thing.  The sisters are teaching someone named Laura and she is gonna be baptized this Saturday.  We are the ones doing the baptism!!  She specifically asked for me to be the one to confirm her a member because I had given her a priesthood blessing a couple weeks ago, and she said she felt the spirit really strongly when I blessed her. Crazy huh!? I am kinda nervous!! It will all work out though. 

Alright, well I love you all and so does Heavenly Father.  He has a plan for each of us and as we are obedient to the commandments of The Lord, like Nephi (cause he is a boss).  We will be blessed with all that he has in store for us.  I know that to be true because I am living through that.  I have and continue to see that in my life!!  The church is so true.  I love you guys!!!!

Love Elder DeLuca

Coolest street everrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm on that road.  ( : 

This is Andralia and we team teach her with the sisters.  She is coming to church and she loves it!!!

The Harris family and our sister missionaries, Sister Ae and Sister Huber

Sorry it is a little blurry!  Best photo bomb everrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

We found this really cool abandoned place!  Gotta love selfiezzzz, hahaha.

I don't even know......Don't ask!!  Hahaha.  I'm a weirdooo.

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