Guess who is driving?! Watch out everybody! Elder DeLuca is coming through! Haha. ( : You seriously have no idea how happy it makes me to drive. I love it so much! So much. It is nice to drive this transfer because we are getting trackers next transfer so we can't "be late to appointments" anymore, if ya know what I mean.....Hehe. ( : I actually washed her this morning. I'll show you a pic!
This week was really sweet! We had the opportunity to do a lot of service! On Wednesday we volunteer at Panther Creek Inspirational Ranch and we work with children that have disabilities and that is always such a neat experience for me. It shows me how strong they are, and how weak I am. It truly humbles me to work with these children. I love it!
I read my Patriarchal Blessing this morning, and it is so wonderful every time I read it. It's literally Heavenly Father speaking right to me. How sweet is that?! Elder Naville and Elder Tanner were at our apartment this morning and I had told them that I read my Patriarchal Blessing, so Elder Naville shared this story with me. The gist of the story was that there was a teenage boy who lived by a Patriarch and he wanted his Patriarchal Blessing. He was told to get the recommendation from his Bishop, so he did. He came back to get the blessing and the Patriarch had mentioned in his blessing that he was the one/one of those to cast Satan out. So, as a result, he was disabled in order to protect him. I love this because most people that it's a sad thing to see someone with a disability. Obviously there are going to be struggles for that person and for the family, but they have been blessed in order to not have to deal with the adversary as much as someone who isn't disabled. It is literally Heavenly Father protecting them. Think of how special they are to him! I love working with children that have disabilities because I truly see the light of Christ in them. Satan is nowhere to be found when you are with someone with a disability. They are simply angels from heaven that have physical bodies.
We also helped out our ward on National Earth Day. We cleaned up a park and just walked up streets in a neighborhood to pick up trash. All of the cigarette butts we found we put into zip-lock bags and there is actually a company in Vegas that uses them to make poker chips and some other stuff that I cannot remember. DO NOT LITTER PEOPLE!!
Friday and Saturday, we helped out at a Presbyterian church with a garage sale that they had. That was interesting to see how they ran things there. Lets just say I was grateful to be at our church on Sunday.
On Sunday, Elder Christensen and I taught a lesson in Gospel Principles about families and how they can be Eternal. This was interesting for me to talk about because I kinda have a complex family, but at the end of the day, we all love each other and I know that Heavenly Father will work things out after this mortal life. I know that my future spouse and I will be sealed in the temple for time and for all eternity. It is so sad to me when I hear "Til death do us part" because if that was true, then you wouldn't be able to live with your spouse after this life but I know that I can and I will. I am only in control of my actions so I can honestly say I will be sealed in the temple because I wouldn't want it any other way. Families are the center of our religion and I love that because my family means everything to me. I love you guys!
We also had a guy named Justin come to church unexpectedly. That was so sick! We were just chillin' in Sacrament and this lady was like "Are you Elders expecting anyone?" We said no but she was like well go check the halls 'cause I saw a guy out there in jeans and he looked lost! We hurried out there and found no one! Came back in and there he was sitting in the very back row and Sister Prows was talking to him. He ended up staying the whole time and we told him about General Conference and he was like "I wanna see that." So I'll let you know if he shows up.
Well I love you all and I know that Heavenly Father does too. Have a great week and do not forget to watch General Conference! It's gonna be so good!
Elder DeLuca
This is Quito! I love this guy. He tries to kiss me though and thats a li'l awkward! haha
Here is the tongue of the black coyote!
Forgot to tell ya my Bishop is a taxidermist! We help him out. We had to get the meat off of these. The one on the left is a black coyote and a hog on the right!
After we got them all cleaned up and ready to bleach!
There is our baby, all cleaned up and ready to go saves lives! : )
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